New Vitae Wellness and Recovery Celebrates at Philadelphia's Disability Pride Parade

June 17, 2018

New Vitae Wellness and Recovery was proud to be a part of the Disability Pride Parade in Philadelphia on June 16th, 2018.  The Parade is designed to celebrate individuals with various diagnoses, to ensure equal representation and inclusion in our communities, and to work to reduce stigmas that can be associated with disabilities.  Adam Devlin, Board Chair for New Vitae, assisted with the Mayor’s Commission on People with Disabilities Table for the event.

After assembling at the National Constitution Center, the group initiated the parade down Market Street, ending the event at Philadelphia’s City Hall.  Celebrating with live music and food, Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney and a variety of local supports were in attendance in order to commemorate the day.  According to attendees, it appeared to be the largest turnout yet!

Special thanks to everyone who celebrated the day with us!  We look forward to supporting the next Disability Pride event!


“I got stronger each day due to the possibilities and strength from being there.  My only regret is that I didn’t find New Vitae sooner.  Give yourself a chance.”

- Belinda J. (former resident)